Moon Magic
We can overcome the feeling of loneliness and isolation by being one with nature and ourselves. ( Vidal Paz ) The amazing vocal songs of Neng Ani and India’s best known Flute master Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasia is a must-have album in your relaxation instrumental music mp3 collection. Featuring Artists Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasia Bamboo Flute, Neng Ani Vocal, Ismet Ruchimat Kantele (Harp from Finland), Agus Supriawan Sundanese Drums, Dodong Karinding and Biringdong, Django Mango Tabla, Derbuka, and Gongs. All the instruments used in this sound recording are accoustic Recorded by: Devashis Roy Tune Studio Mumbay India. Tony Beben Natural Sound Surabaya (Indonesia) and Chepi Jugala Studio Bandung (West Java) Mixed......